Torsten Imottesjo är arkitekt och hantverkare som engagerar sig i alla faser av olika formgivnings- och byggprojekt från konceptskapande till produktion av slutliga detaljer. De arkitektoniska projekten har ofta haft en experimentell karaktär och fokuserar på relationer mellan kroppsskala och komplexa landskap.
Mobil: 0706677951
Besöksadress: Övre Hallegatan 50, Göteborg
Torsten Imottesjo is a designer who recently has been working on design/build projects. He is specialized in customizing small spaces, both with freestanding & portable houses, as well as complete renovations of interior spaces. He designs and builds on site based on the functions needed by the client.

Mobil: 0706677951
Besöksadress: Övre Hallegatan 50, Göteborg
Torsten Imottesjo is a designer who recently has been working on design/build projects. He is specialized in customizing small spaces, both with freestanding & portable houses, as well as complete renovations of interior spaces. He designs and builds on site based on the functions needed by the client.
Hyekyung Imottesjo är arkitekt och forskare med PhD inom arkitektur och stadsplanering. Hon arbetade i Tokyo som arkitekt och creative director, innan hon började engagera sig i forskning omkring temat compact city och complex adaptive systems teori. Hon utvecklar en ‘remote, simultaneous, collaboratve urban design’ platform med VR- och AR-teknologi.
Besöksadress: Övre Hallegatan 50, Göteborg
Hyekyung Imottesjo is an architect and researcher with a Ph.D. in architecture and urban planning. She had worked as an architect and a creative director in Tokyo before she engaged in the field of research related to compact city and complex adaptive sytem’s theory. She currently developes a remote simultaneous, collaborative urban design platform using VR and AR technologies.
Besöksadress: Övre Hallegatan 50, Göteborg
Hyekyung Imottesjo is an architect and researcher with a Ph.D. in architecture and urban planning. She had worked as an architect and a creative director in Tokyo before she engaged in the field of research related to compact city and complex adaptive sytem’s theory. She currently developes a remote simultaneous, collaborative urban design platform using VR and AR technologies.