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Compact Cities Are Complex, Intense and Diverse but: Can We Design Such Emergent Urban Properties?
Lim, H. K., & Kain, J.-H. (2016). Compact Cities Are Complex, Intense and Diverse but: Can We Design Such Emergent Urban Properties? Urban Planning, 1(1), 95. up.v1i1.535
The Urban CoBuilder – A mobile augmented reality tool for crowd-sourced simulation of emergent urban development patterns: Requirements, prototyping and assessment CEUS, Elsevier
Imottesjo, H., & Kain, J.-H. (2018). The Urban CoBuilder – A mobile augmented reality tool for crowd-sourced simulation of emergent urban development patterns: Requirements, prototyping and assessment. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 71, 120–130. compenvurbsys.2018.05.003
Iterative Prototyping of Urban CoBuilder: Tracking Methods and User Interface of an Outdoor Mobile Augmented Reality Tool for Co‐Designing
Imottesjo, H., Thuvander, L., Billger, M. et al (2020) Iterative Prototyping of Urban CoBuilder: Tracking Methods and User Interface of an Outdoor Mobile Augmented Reality Tool for Co-Designing Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 4(2): 1-21
Staging urban emergence through collective creativity: Devising an outdoor mobile augmented reality tool
Doctoral thesis, 2020
Om oss

Ottesjö is re-examining the way in which the vast majority of us live and he’s trying to develop an alternative, a different way of living that he believes will have benefits far outweighing simple material and energy efficiencies. Ottesjö is designing a new lifestyle that will nurture our brains and, in turn, help us to better understand the complexities of the world.
-- Will Jones, Green Magazine
...rarely do you see such thought-provoking designs on such a small scale. A stream of petite structures have hit the map recently, but these are mainly temporary [...] But when we move away from these particular examples, we seem to revert back to ‘bigger is better’. Ottesjö’s work is a great example of how scale, shown through his henhouse and Hus-1, can be downsized, whilst maintaining an interesting and functional way of living – essentially upsizing the housing typology as a whole. Evermore crucial today, given the economic need for cheaper modular dwellings...
-- Parvinder Marwaha, FRAME
A 269-Sqft House That Looks Like A Living Sculpture
-- Mark Wilson, Fast Company
Hans fokus är varken symmetri, perfekta algoritmer eller byggoptimering. I stället går han i gång på kopplingen mellan arkitektur, den mänskliga kroppen och psyket. Hans filosofiska sätt att tänka sätter sig bokstavligen i väggarna.
-- Michelle Meadows, Residence
Torsten Ottesjö,來自斯堪地納維亞(Scandinavian)的建築師和木匠,喜愛森林和海岸,他重視以人為本,以簡單並忠於自然的方式,設計融合生活空間和周遭環境的建築。
-- Hong Wan, MilkXChina
We've recently been featured in: TIME Magazine / dezeen / The Guardian / Mark / Chinese Central Television / Milk X China / Fast.Co Design / Goood Hong Kong I II III/ PLAZA / Journal du Design / Home Style China / JET / Green / The Daily Mail / The Huffington Post / Archdaily / Inhabitat / A10 / iGNANT / Stylepark / Arkitektur / 4-Ark / Residens well as numerous other lovely blogs.
Thank you all for the exposure!